This 25 minute Yoga Nidra for Sleep & Insomnia is designed to help you relax and prepare for sleep. This Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditation aims to help cultivate ease and reset your whole nervous system, helping you to get to sleep and improve the quality of your sleep. Throughout the practice, you are invited to utilise visualisation, breath awareness (pranayama) and body awareness techniques to help untangle stress from the body and reduce anxious thoughts and feelings. Ailsa guides you through a breath counting pranayama technique where you count the breath from 11 to 1 and then through body sensing technique where your attention is drawn to the sensation in each part of your body.
This video has a dark screen so that you can use this Yoga Nidra while in bed and the screen will not disturb you and Ailsa does not guide you out of the Yoga Nidra to allow you to fall into a deep and restful sleep. This video is voice only and there is no background music. Ailsa has a gentle female voice with a soft Scottish accent.
Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation practised lying down that leads you into the healing and deeply restful state. Yoga Nidra has been shown to be effective in scientific trials for conditions including chronic pain, sleep problems, depression and anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); while increasing health, resiliency and well-being.